- Overview
- Half-year report
- Financial report
- Consolidated half-year financial statements of Allreal Group
- Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
- Consolidated balance sheet
- Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity
- Consolidated cash flow statement
- Segment information for the first half-year 2016
- Segment information for the first half-year 2015
- Selected notes
- Basic principles
- Income from renting investment real estate
- Income from real estate management services
- Earnings from Projects & Development division
- Direct expenses for rented investment real estate
- Earnings from sale of investment real estate
- Earnings from revaluation of investment real estate
- Finance expense
- Earnings par share/net asset value (NAV) per share
- Investment real estate
- Development real estate
- Share capital
- Borrowings
- Fair value financial instruments
- Capital commitments, contingent liabilities and legal disputes
- Transactions with related parties
- Events after the balance sheet date
- Information on the real estate portfolio
- EPRA key figures
- Consolidated half-year financial statements of Allreal Group
- Additional information
- Archive