15   Capital commitments, contingent liabilities and legal disputes


















The capital commitments relate to contractual agreements for the acquisition of development real estate. Whether the commitment is invoked depends on the fulfilment of the conditions agreed with the counterparties.

There are no guarantees or sureties in favour of third parties. Beyond this, in the individual financial statement, Allreal Holding AG has issued guarantees and sureties amounting to an additional CHF 802.5 million in connection with financings and derivative financial transactions with third parties on behalf of individual subsidiaries (31.12.2013: CHF 802.5 million).

In a decision supplementing a ruling of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court handed down on 5 October 2012 concerning the Swiss tax liability of the business establishment of Allreal Finanz AG in the Cayman Islands, which has since been liquidated, the Administrative Court of Zug specified that the tax liability would only commence from the date of the Supreme Court's ruling. However, from the 2006 financial year onward, Allreal set aside tax provisions to cover this liability, which amount to a total of CHF 9.2 million and are still recognised on its balance sheet as of 30 June 2014. It remains to be seen whether the Swiss Federal Tax Administration will refer the proceedings to the Federal Supreme Court.

As at 30 June 2014, there are no pending legal disputes of a nature liable to have a significant impact on the asset and income situation of the Allreal Group for which no corresponding provisions are in place.

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