Key figures comparison

Income statement

(in CHF million) 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Total sales 1 036.4 1 242.3 1 086.1 886.1 726.9
Earnings from rental and sale of investment real estate 137.2 146.2 122.1 124.7 120.6
Earnings from real estate management services 6.6 6.8 4.4
Earnings from Projects & Development division 102.8 110.7 115.8 117.5 108.2
Operating profit (EBIT) incl. revaluation gains 170.9 192.8 161.7 226.7 185.0
Operating profit (EBIT) excl. revaluation gains 176.8 184.7 169.9 182.0 171.5
Net profit incl. revaluation effect 104.4 121.8 97.5 146.8 116.4
Net profit excl. revaluation effect 109.1 116.1 104.6 115.0 106.1
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